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 76. Worry about how much you can lose. Figure risk reward ratio ahead of trade. Strive for at least 3x potential profit vs. loss.  要想到你能够输多少钱,交易前就想好风险回报比例。尽力做到可能的盈利要三倍于可能的亏损。  77. If it appears that lots of bulls are long , be nervous!  如果看上去有很多多头在买,你就需要警惕起来。  78. If you have a good lead in the market and all the news seems too good to be true you'd better take profits.  如果你在市场上领先一筹,而且所有的消息都好得难以置信,你最好是收回你的盈利,出市走人。  79. The news always follows the market.  新闻总是尾随市场之后。  80. There is only one side to the market; and it is not the bull side or the bear side, but the right side.  市场只有一种,不是牛市或熊市,而是正确之市。81. A man must believe in himself and his judgment if he expects to make a living at this game.  如果有人想在这场游戏里生存,他必须相信自己和自己的判断力。  82. It is the big swing that makes the big money for you. "It was never my wishing that made the big money for me. It was always my sitting tight." Men who can both be right and sit tight are uncommon. The market does not beat them. They beat themselves. You must have the courage of your convictions and the intelligent patience to sit tight. 字串1   大浪潮为你创造大笔财富。"为我带来大笔财富的从来就不是我的祈求。它从来都是因为我坐着不动。"能够既正确又坐着不动的人是不多见的。市场打不败他们,打败他们的是他们自己。一定要有坚韧的勇气和智慧的耐心,你才做得到坐着不动。  83. To buy on a rising market is a most comfortable way of buying. Buy on a scale up. Sell on a scale down.  最不让人担心的买进方法是在一个上升的市场里买进。买高卖低。  84. Commodities are never too high to begin buying or too low to begin selling. But after the initial transaction, don't make a second unless the first shows a profit.  商品没有高到不该再买的时候,也没有低到不该再卖的时候。不过,在最初的转手后,除非第一手交易获利了,不要再做第二手。  85. Realize that the big money comes in the big swing. Whatever might seem to give a big swing, its initial impulse, the fact is that no matter who opposes it, the swing must inevitably run as far and as fast and as long as the impelling forces determine.  要意识到大笔钱来自大浪潮。无论什么是看上去会掀起大浪潮的,它最初的鼓动,事实是,不管是谁对抗它,大浪潮都无可避免地必然按照推动它的力量所决定的速度,冲到推动它的力量所决定的远处。 86. In the long run, commodity prices are governed but by one law , the economic law of demand and supply.







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